Do I Have To Do This?

Monday, August 21, 2006

Posting my Progress

I originally said I was going to use this blog to track my writing progress for my first novel. I have been a bad blogger, I know I haven't been doing this, but in all fairness (my first excuse) there hasn't been a whole lot to tell. I'm currently stumped at 11,000+ words.

I sat down on Sunday and looked over my (incomplete) time line and have discovered that I have already strayed. My current goal is to go back over my time line and rewrite it to reflect the changes that I have already made. Then, hopefully, I'll be able to move forward and get back on the writing track.

I feel like my book is missing something. A secondary plot maybe? Is this a requirement? I've been reading a few agent blogs and I think a secondary plot might be very important. I'll have to think about it. I also think that I might need to stop reading so many blogs and concentrate on what the heck I'm doing.

SO, here's to getting back on track. I'm going to try to be better about actually blogging my process. Really.