All About Me
One day, when I grow up, I want to be a published author. At present I am working on my first book and doing a lot of research on what the market requires to get published. I'm reading everything I can get my hands on, author blogs, author advice, how to books, you name it I've probably read it or have it in my to be read pile. It's a large pile that continues to grow. I am also struggling with writer's block the closer I get to the middle of the story. I've definitely got the beginning and the ending all figured out, now if the middle could just write itself as easily I could be done by now. I don't feel too bad about it though, from what I've read so far, a lot of writer's struggle with middles. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
I'm a mother of two kids and two dogs. Max is our newest addition and if we can all survive the next couple of months I'm sure he's going to fit in just fine. Our first dog (he's easily offended if we call him the 'old' dog) Feliz, is insanely jealous of any attention that Max gets, but is just happy to have somebody to play with while everybody else is at work and school.
In my "spare time" I read. I read a lot. I am currently reading Dark Lover by J.R. Ward, recommended by Jennifer Apodaca and Thrilled to Death written by Jennifer Apodaca. (She probably recommends reading that book too!)
I think I'm going to use this blog to chart my progress through this incredible writing process. One of my very best friends is developing a fantasy book. She's in the process of outlining her story (a trilogy, she's very ambitious) and creating her fantasy world. I'm very impressed. I have enough problems creating the fictitious world that I write about, I can't image having to create it from scratch. But the two of us are helping each other out. One day, if everything goes as planned (fingers still crossed) we'll figure out how to collaborate together on a book. Could be interesting.
I'm a mother of two kids and two dogs. Max is our newest addition and if we can all survive the next couple of months I'm sure he's going to fit in just fine. Our first dog (he's easily offended if we call him the 'old' dog) Feliz, is insanely jealous of any attention that Max gets, but is just happy to have somebody to play with while everybody else is at work and school.
In my "spare time" I read. I read a lot. I am currently reading Dark Lover by J.R. Ward, recommended by Jennifer Apodaca and Thrilled to Death written by Jennifer Apodaca. (She probably recommends reading that book too!)
I think I'm going to use this blog to chart my progress through this incredible writing process. One of my very best friends is developing a fantasy book. She's in the process of outlining her story (a trilogy, she's very ambitious) and creating her fantasy world. I'm very impressed. I have enough problems creating the fictitious world that I write about, I can't image having to create it from scratch. But the two of us are helping each other out. One day, if everything goes as planned (fingers still crossed) we'll figure out how to collaborate together on a book. Could be interesting.
Kitzmom, I see you live in Phoenix. I live in Tucson!
I also like your reading list, and thought you might be interested in my books, DARKNESS ON THE EDGE OF TOWN (Signet) and DARK SIDE OF THE MOON (Signet), which are set in Arizona - in the books I have my Tucson-based detective going to Bisbee, Williams, Flagstaff, and Rocky Point.
Good luck with writing your novel. It most certainly can be done, and in this business, if you write a good book, you will sell it, even if you don't know anyone.
Anonymous, at 11:05 AM
J ~ I never thought anybody would actually read any of this stuff. Good thing I didn't put anything overly embarassing here huh?
I love Phoenix, I tried the east coast for a little while, but two winters of more than enough snow convinced me to come back. Every summer I just keep chanting to myself, I live here for the winters, I live here for the winters.
I will definitely check out your books. I love to read.
I laughed out loud today at work when I read your post on Murder She Writes today.
Sometimes, mid-cooking, I taste the stew and then I barf.
Too funny. Thanks for the advice on writing. I'm trying to keep moving along, but sometimes I get a little discouraged. I think I have a good book outlined, but I'm not very confident in my skills. I guess we'll see. Thanks again.
Erika, at 9:29 PM
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